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Reliability Engineering & Analysis Laboratory

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[127] Ji-Hoon Kang, Sang-Yun Je, Yoon-Suk Chang, Young-Jin Oh, Jong-Yeob Jung
”Fatigue Crack Initiation Assessment of Pressure Tubes”
Proceedings of CANSAS 2017, p. 13, 2017.
[126] Seung-Hyun Kim, Md Nasimul Goni, Yoon-Suk Chang
”Probabilistic Assessment of Nuclear Piping Integrity by Considering Environmental Fatigue and Stress Corrosion Cracking”
Proceedings of 17th Int. Conference on New Trends in Fatigue and Fracture, pp. 139146, 2017.
[125] Seung-Hyun Kim, Sang-Yun Je, Yoon-Suk Chang, Choeng-Ryul Choi
"Evaluation of Jet Impingement Phenomenon and Pipe Whip Behavior under Pipe Break Conditions" 
Proceedings of 24th Int. Conference on SMiRT 2017, Paper in CD-ROM, 2017.
[124] Tae-Jin Kim, Sang-Yun Je, Yoon-Suk Chang
"Evaluation of Fluid-Elastic Instabilities of Reactor Vessel Internals" 
Proceedings of 24th Int. Conference on SMiRT 2017, Paper in CD-ROM, 2017.
[123] Seung-Hyun Park, Yoon-Suk Chang, Woo-Chul Jung, Nam-Su Huh, Jae-Boong Choi 
"Prediction of Crack Growth of Pipe with Circumferential Through-wall Crack 
under Cyclic Loading Using Cohesive Zone Model"
Proceedings of the International Conference on Structural Integrity and Durability 2017, pp. 93 ~ 94, 2017.
[122] Jae Min Sim, Yoon-Suk Chang
"Assessment of Aircraft Crash to Containment and Its Effects 
on Reactor Cavity and Major Components"
Proceedings of the ASME PVP 2017 Conference, PVP2017-65746 in CD-ROM, 2017.
[121] Gi-Beom Kim, Hyeon-Min Kim, Yoon-Suk Chang, Seung-Ho Jung, Gyun-Young Heo
”Data-Driven Prognotics for Major Piping in Nuclear Power Plants”
Asia Pacific Conference of the Prognostics and Health Management Society 2017
Paper P-077 in CD-ROM, 2017.
[120] Seung-Hyun Kim, Sang-Yun Je, Yoon-Suk Chang
”Assessment of Jet Vibration under High Energy Line Break Conditions”
3rd EMI International Conference, EMI2017IC-0122, 2017.
[119] Jae Min Sim, Yoon-Suk Chang
”Crack Growth Evaluation of Stainless Steel Weld Material Considering Residual Stress and Thermal Aging Embrittlement”
Proceedings Asian Conference on Experimental Mechanics 2016, Paper-160149 in CD-ROM, 2016.
[118] Md Nasimul Goni, Seung-Hyun Kim Yoon-Suk Chang
”Probabilistic Assessment of Nuclear Piping Integrity by using Recent Environmental Fatigue Equations”
Proceedings of 13th International Conference on Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management, A-156 in CD-ROM, 2016.
[117] Jae Min Sim, Yoon-Suk Chang
”Crack Growth Evaluation of CASS Material by using XFEM”
Proceedings of Asian Pacific Conference on Fracture and Strength 2016, pp. 101~102, 2016.
[116] Sang-Yun Je, Yoon-Suk Chang
”Structural Integrity Assessment of Integrated Reactor Internals under Vibration Assessment Conditions”
Proceedings of Asian Pacific Conference on Fracture and Strength 2016, pp. 61~62, 2016.
[115] Yu-Gyeong Kim, Yoon-Suk Chang
”Application of Fracture Mechanics Assessment to In-wall Shield Ribs in ITER Vacuum Vessel”
Proceedings of the 29th Symposium on Fusion Technology, p. 395, 2016.
[114] Tae-Hyun Kim, Yoon-Suk Chang, Bong-Sang Lee 
”Structural Integrity Assessment of RPV under Severe Accident Conditions with Creep Constants Correlation”
Proceedings of the ASME PVP 2016 Conference, PVP2016-63232 in CD-ROM, 2016.
[113] Seung-Hyun Kim, Yoon-Suk Chang, Yong-Jin Cho
”Reactor Cavity Analysis under Steam Explosive Conditions by TNT Model”
Proceedings of the ASME PVP 2016 Conference, PVP2016-63224 in CD-ROM, 2016.
[112] Jong-Min Kim, Bong-Sang Lee, Tae-Hyun Kim Yoon-Suk Chang
”Development of Probabilistic Fracture Mechanics Analysis Codes for Reactor Pressure Vessels considering Recent 
Embrittlement Model and Calculation Method of SIF - Progress of the Work”
Proceedings of the ASME PVP 2016 Conference, PVP2016-63128 in CD-ROM, 2016.
[111] Hyun-Kyu Jun, Sang-Hwan Lee, Yoon-Suk Chang
"Residual Stress Analyses of Replair Welded Rail with Different Hardening Models"
Proceedings of 3rd International, Congress and 21st Technical Sessions on Welding and Joinging Technologies, Paper in CD-ROM, 2016.
[110] Sang-Yun Je, Yoon-Suk Chang, Sung-Sik Kang
”A Numerical Study on Reactor Vessel Internals”
Proceedings of 11th International Workshop on the Structural Integrity of Nuclear Components, pp. 293~299, 2016.
[109] Maan-Won Kim, Kyoung-Soo Lee, Yoon-Suk Chang, Jong-Sung Kim, Chang-Heui Jang
”Development of Thermal Embrittlement Assessment Technology for Austenite Stainless Steel Welds of Nuclear Power Plant”
Proceedings of 11th International Workshop on the Structural Integrity of Nuclear Components, pp. 79~85, 2016.
[108] Tae-Hyun Kim, Yoon-Suk Chang
”Numerical Study on Creep Rupture Behavior of SA533B Low-alloy Steel”
Proceedings of the 14th Int. Conference on Pressure Vessel Technology, p. 117, 2015.
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